Environmental Assessment (EA) Report For SIGNAL FREE CORRIDOR

The project is identified as Signal Free Corridor and is envisioned to provide an uninterrupted flow of traffic plying along the Jail Road and Main Boulevard Gulberg which is presently plagued by the heavy freight traffic generated by the substantial commercial activities and education institutions at Jail Road and Main Boulevard Gulberg. The project commences from Qartaba Chowk and ends at Liberty Roundabout in Gulberg, The project main components includes two under passes, one at Shadman Chowk and other at Fawara Chowk and then improvements of Main Market Chowk, Crossing of Zahoor Zafar Ali Road, Elahi Chowk, PIC Chowk and Canal Road Crossing.

The EIA study was conducted for Signal Free Corridoor that includes baseline Environmental conditions, consideration of alternatives, Deliberation of compensations and resettlements, identification of the environmental and social impacts of the construction and operational of the purposed project activities. Necessary mitigation measures for compensation of potential impacts have been proposed to make the activity environmentally acceptable and to minimize the effects of the construction on the social, ecological and physical environment of the area along with development of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP). Public Consultation and Public hearing were also conducted.

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