Environmental & Social Studies


Environment is a relatively new domain which has gained currency during the last 20-25 years after the importance of environmentally viable projects was felt both nationally and internationally. In Pakistan, urgency of the environmental safeguards and principles was recognized to keep pace with the international norms and criteria. Asian has been a pioneer in providing services in the fields of environment and resettlement since its establishment when the word “Environment” was not familiar in the consultancy world in Pakistan.

The services by Asian became more focused and particular after the enactment of the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA) in 1997, the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) and the availability of the international safeguards. Asian has the requisite expertise and experience to provide environment, social, resettlement and rehabilitation and health and safety services for various engineering sectors such as dams, roads/highways, bridges, ports and harbors, extractives, airports, townships and urban development, irrigation, water conveyance system, water supply, sewerage, drainage, effluent treatment and disposal, hydraulic structures, land reclamation, groundwater development, drought and flood management, power generation, transmission lines and rural electrification, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration, agriculture, livestock, forestry and fisheries, manufacturing industries, regional planning and development.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment/ Initial Environmental Examination
  • Environmental and Social Assessment
  • Social Impact Assessment
  • Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plans
  • Air Dispersion Modelling
  • Environmental Monitoring and Testing
  • Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) and Environmental Management Audit
  • Training and Capacity Building


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